
Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity (WHO definition).


The best way to prevent diseases is prevention.

Thanks to our globally unique, safe and patented products, the cells are supplied with the maximum amount of vital micronutrients and oxygen.


As a result, your body will be able to better detoxify, deacidify and protect against free radicals (oxidative stress). Additionally, our products activate an overall intestinal revitalisation, which is decisive for a better nutritional absorption and a strong immune system.


What are you likely to experience:


  • Greater well-being, joy of life and energy
  • Improved fitness and increased stability physical, mental and emotional stabilty
  • Faster regeneration
  • Activation of the self-healing powers


Learn more about our holistic nutritional supplementation.

Prevention is easier than cure.



Is nutritional supplementation irrelevant?

Nutritional supplementation adress the underlying causes and not the symptoms displayed.

Orthomolecular medicine was developed from this knowledge and concerns substances  that are either naturally present in the body or on whose supply the human organism is dependent. These include viatamins, antioxidants, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids, amino acids, etc. Enzymes occurring in the human organism also belong to this field of medicine.


The principle of orthomolecular medicine is very simple:
Every body has a need for vital nutrients. This need must be met in order to stay the healthy.



Cell Energy

Most people are unaware of how much our physical heatlh affects our consciousness, our thinking and our emotions.
A body without energy is a key source of discomfort and disharmony.

Increasing the body’s energy is possible even during times of illness and promotes self-healing.
Therefore, even during physical, mental and emotional challenges, physical health and well-being become a supporting foundation.

The decisive factor is nutritional supplementation wiht the highest possible level of bioavailability, synergie and effect. This is what makes our products so effective and unique – it  delivers the vital substances exactly where they are needed – into the cells -and th with a proven five to ten times higher snd faster effect.


What are the benefits of nutritional supplementation?

Alot (over-the-counter) prescriptions and therapies take effcet fast. Due to the holistice and natural approach of nutritional supplementation, revitalisation of the intestines may require three to six months. About 80% of the immune system is located in the intestine, basically like the roots of a tree.

I have had the best experiences with our nutritional supplementation, and I am thrilled!





For your order
+41 79 200 41 21 / +39 33 907 33 41